Application for a tuition fee reduction

Tallinn European School is entitled to grant tuition fee reductions in the following cases:

  • Family-based Reduction: more than one child of the same family is studying at Tallinn European School.
  • Employee’s Reduction: the parent or legal representative of the pupil studying at Tallinn European School works at TES (teachers and other staff members) with a minimum of 0,6 workload.

NB! The conditions of the family-based reduction have been changed by the school keeper starting from the school year 2021-2022. For more details and before applying for a tuition fee reduction, please read the Procedure for Applying and Granting of Tuition Fee Reductions included in the Admission and Exclusion Policy of Tallinn European School (from page 10).

If you have any questions regarding tuition fee reductions at TES or a specific application, please feel free to contact our Study Secretary:

Application Form for a Tuition Fee Reduction