Nordplus Junior Project

Since the school year 2018/2019, Tallinn European School is involved in a 3-year collaborative project with European School of Helsinki and European School Copenhagen. “We can make a change” focuses on raising the quality of teaching and learning by incorporating problem-based learning while also strengthening and developing cooperation between the Nordic European Schools.

About Nordplus Junior

Nordplus Junior programme makes it possible to apply for grants for cooperation with schools in the Nordic and Baltic countries, such as for project partnerships, pupil and teacher exchanges and work experience for pupils.

All activities aim at strengthening and developing collaboration between schools and organisations in the Nordic and Baltic countries. It includes everything from minor ventures with a focus on the process and the actual exchange of experiences, to major development projects with the aim of developing new ideas, methods and ways of working.

Cooperation within Nordplus Junior is a good way of bringing new ideas and perspectives into the classroom. It also helps teachers and pupils to come into personal contact with the cultures, lifestyles, values, standards, languages and surroundings in the Nordic and Baltic countries.


“We Can Make a Change” Project

“We Can Make a Change” is a collaborative project involving primary classes of Tallinn European School, European School of Helsinki and European School Copenhagen. The main goal of the project is to raise the quality of teaching and learning by incorporating problem-based learning. It is also a great opportunity for the Nordic-Baltic Accredited European Schools to strengthen and develop their cooperation through common projects and visits.

The project has started in Autumn 2018 and will last until the end of the school year 2020/2021. Each class involved will develop projects based on problem-based learning (PBL) and exchange good practices with the other classes from the different schools. Two meetings are planned every school year:

  • In Autumn: A project meeting and training involving two teachers from each school.
  • In Spring: A trip involving two teachers and three pupils from each school.

Discover the projects

In March 2019, pupils from Tallinn European School and European School of Helsinki visited the European School Copenhagen. The aim of the visit was to bring pupils from each school to work collaboratively to solve the problem of plastic.

Three mixed teams with pupils from the different schools have been built up to develop different projects: Eco, Green Piece and Save Our Planet Smurfs (SOPS).

They have shared their experience on a dedicated blog: How we can solve the problem of plastic?

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