KIK Environmental Awareness Programme
Since 2021/2022 Tallinn European School (TES) is financed by KIK Estonian Environmental Investment Center for the Environmental Awareness Programme. The program is designed for Nursery 2 up to Secondary 4 students. It involves educational field trips to nature centers.
The next field trips of the programme is planned for 2023 Spring term.
Environmental Awareness field trips 2021/2022
During the 2021/2022 academic year, all classes from Nursery 2 up to Secondary 4 will go on field trips to nature study centres around Estonia to develop the pupils’ awareness and knowledge about environmental topics. The learning outputs of the different field trips are linked to the European Schools curriculum and have been chosen by the biology and class teachers. It is an experiential active learning process guided by specialists on the spot and is held in English.
The field trips are financially supported by a grant of 4400 euros from the Environmental Investment Centre through the Environmental Awareness Programme.
The first two field trips have taken place in October 2021, and the other ones will happen during Spring 2022.
About the Environmental Investment Centre
The Environmental Investment Centre (Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus) was founded in 2000. For the last twenty years, it has been of the main financers of environmental projects in Estonia. With the support of various sources of financing, the EIC has helped to implement activities within the scope of different ministries in Estonia.
The organisation’s main task is to finance projects that are necessary to meet its objectives:
- the reduction of environmental nuisances to the maximum extent possible in order to protect the environment, human health, well-being, property and cultural heritage;
- the promotion of sustainable development in order to secure an environment that meets the health and well-being requirements of the present generation and future generations;
- the preservation and protection of biodiversity;
- a healthy environment;
- the prevention and remedying of environmental damage.
The EIC was established by the Republic of Estonia, and the Ministry of the Environment exercises founder rights.