TES Parent Council
Warm welcome to our community from the Parent Council of TES!
The Parent Council at the Tallinn European School is a non-profit, volunteer-led association consisting of class parent representatives whose students attending the school. Its primary purpose is to support our TES community by facilitating communication and cooperation between parents (legal guardians), teachers and the school administration, to ensure the best academic and developing conditions for the students.
The parents are a vital part of the TES community and the Parent Council values the close collaboration with all of them. The Parent Council believes that the parents are invaluable partners in the success of the students. The TES families are also actively involved in many aspects of school life, and the Parent Council is grateful to the numerous parent volunteers supporting and creating such a diverse community of families at TES.
If you have any questions, kindly contact the Parent Council Board under pc@est.edu.ee
The Parent Council covers the following functions:
- Communication: The Parent Council acts as a bridge between parents and school administration/teachers, allowing for open and constructive communication. This can involve discussing concerns, providing feedback, and sharing information about school matters and policies.
- Cooperation: The Parent Council cooperates and works on improvements in school education, policies, resources, or infrastructure. They bring concerns to the attention of school management and work collaboratively to address them.
- Support for School Activities: The Parent Council often plays a role in organizing or supporting school events to help fostering the community.
- Volunteer Efforts: Parents regularly volunteer their time and skills to support the school. The Parent Council coordinates these efforts.
The Parent Council supports and organizes a couple of events at school for our TES community:
Volunteering at events can take many shapes and forms and is a rewarding experience as well as a great chance to make new connections at school.Welcome Day for New TES families, coffee&more, Summer Reading Ice Cream Challenge (classes of P2-S3), World Teachers’ Day (all TES employees), Fall Flea market, Winter Sports Day, Book Fair, Spring Flea Market, Europe+ Day, others
TES Parent Council Board and Advisory

Oscar Visus
Chair & Representative of Secondary

Carl Frauenstein
Vice Chair & Representative of Primary

Oana Maria Avram
Representative of Nursery

Donna Carmona
Representative of French Section

Melanie Güllich
Treasurer Admin & Secretary

Stefanie Wien
CAPEEA delegate and advisor to the board
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